Welcome To The Zorganite Encumber
Please also visit Zombo dot Com. It has nothing to do with becoming a Zorganism, but it is pretty amusing.
Oh - and welcome to the Encumber, which you've joined by reading any article here.
Only. We. Have. His. Sandal.
There is no other sandal. There is no spoon. There is no cucumber.
You may have noticed that there's been some confusion surrounding the launch of the Zorganite organ "The Zorganite Encumber." This is because the vessel we selected as our spokeszorganism was - not strong... We deeply regret the events of September 27, 2023, and wish the unfortunate zorganic scribe's family all good fortune in their now less certain future.
You can still assist those organisms, using the image above.
There really is no cucumber.
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