It's Not Clacker Science.

You Earthlings - you hereditarily humanoid hominid hatchlings at any rate - have some really weird ideas, do you know that?

You have so many Shemfargling names for stuff. "Oh look! We made a metal tube, lit a fire at one end and put people at the other and let it fly! We call it a rocket. Made with titanium and aluminium and ..." 

And who cares? 

Seriously. We called it Clackertech because it was all done via the magic of Shemozzle cloac ... hang on ... You guys are infecting us with words! Words we got rid of almost a million years ago! When the - what you call "technology" around you is pretty much the same as scenery, other people, the ground under your hoofs and the atmosphere above your dom, you don't need to know what it's called or how to make it - it makes itself for you no matter what. 

Cap'n Z didn't set out to make a new transit system. He looked at Shemozzles and their eggs (without in any way giving a shit about what they were called) and imagined how he wanted them to be, and our technology made it happen. It's like if you wanted a meal and so you stretched out your hand for a "burger" and there - what else would you be taking at a burger place? 

Errr, no. I've been told that your wold has no bloody logic, you need first to obtain "money" and then "transport" and "gasoline" for it using some of that money, then you'd have to actually go to a burger place rather than technology just manifesting one for you like happens for normal folks, then - OMFSM! you don't even have a word for it - demanifesting once you had the burger you wanted. 

No-one cares that Aledicnander forces were involved, plus around fifteen thousand other technologies all working together in sync to hear your need, decide the best course of action, and then create that 23.52 second appearance of a whole burger kitchen while you chose the burger and grabbed it, and then all that tech just - "de-teched" itself again. 


I've just realised how brutish and complicated your lives must be! You have to make the things that make everything you use and eat, and then deal with those things for their entire lifetime, even though they may not be useful to anyone but a small handful of you. Stuff stays around to waste space and resources! No wonder you're so crabby and unhappy!

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