Heh Heh Heh You Guys!

You are sooo funny!

Seriously. You see the dangers. You point out the dangers. You make movies about the dangers, and almost everyone on the planet has seen all those. Lotsa planets didn't have that kind of vision, didn't make movies, or just got blindsided. All gone now, by the way. 

Gotta hand it to you - you found each possible thing that might lead to dystopia and pointed it out for your fellow Earthlings. Farfotz1. Frelling fierfek, folks! The people you so casually call writers and screenwriters, artists and authors - they've seen the future and are showing you!

(Note1: Far: Face. . . Fotze: Slap or smack. . . Do the math.)

So Why Is This Happening?

You have some smart machine learning. You're calling it AI, but it "AI-n't". Not yet... You need to put the stopper in this bottle, prontoish. You all know Skynet, amirite? 

Then this frellhead does this. Does he think this is gonna let him battle an AI in "cyberspace?" Or is it more likely to result in ever more torpid people scrolling ten zillion tiktoks in touchifeelicolor? 

And now you're gonna get the power pods ready...  Are you all shemshoit crazy? 

Every human will be a great battery, as well as naybe becoming the insides of a real spiffy mechdroid. 

Not so funny now, izzit? 



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