Gary! Brian! Steve!

They've found us! I've identified Gary, Steve, and Brian! We're in a power of shemshoit, people! Hehehehe just kidding. They did animate 

They seem to have "thrown down" (izzat the right expression? Terrans, amirite?) After seeing the V-ger golden disc. The jivin' fools!

Seriously. There's a video there because Gary saw the disc and read The Zorganite Encumber! We welcome the notoriety because all publicity's goog publicity. (Sorry - my ClackerTech training is showing - "good," not "goog." But you can see why I mighta misspoke, right?

But seriously people - how funny was it that the meatb- ... the Terran that Gary squished on landing was called Gary Brian Steven Sadler? Warrill View QLD Australia will never be the same. Neither will Gary that we know. How he's gonna get back to the band is a doozy. Should we give him a free egg? 

Ah. Here it is: 

"The Warrill View Review
Saturday, 9th March, 2024
Freak Accident Claims Social Worker

Sometime late Saturday night, Gary Sadler, a worker who had changed his name only a week earlier to Gary Brian Steven from his old name Tristan in order to begin a new life in a rock/rap clown band, was killed when a meteor somehow materialised inside his house going at full speed. 

Even more strange, neighbours in our tiny community say that a few minutes after the impact was felt, strange noises were heard from the Ageston Rd house, a lot of light flashes, and when police forensics examined the incident scheme, there was no sign of Gary's body.

However, investigators say these things must have happened because of the large quantity of blood, with splatter indicating it could only have come from a meteor strike. 

The search for Gary - or Gary's body - is still ongoing. There is no known family to inform as Tristan Sadler (now, of course Gary Brian Steven Sadler) arrived in town on foot and wearing a suit made of flattened tin cans. He was accompanied by a small dirigible and neither was carrying any form of ID. "

Hey! It's rare to find so much information on a visit by another lot of Universal Wanderers that still travel by outdated Protachyon tech. 

Okay okay okay - it's less prone to accidentally materializing in Old Luckless (and therein lies a research project - why in frellin' heck do all our failed transports materialise inside that particular dwarf?) but does it have shemozzle style? No it does not.

Also we've been sidetracked away from educatin' you Terrans, gettin' you schooled in the ways of Emcumbrance. Once you Encumber, you're more than just a number! 

Gary's house is about 150m behind the store in the Google Maps picture. 

(FYI this newspaper clipping is not real - duh - and the address per se doesn't exist, but the town of Warril View does. Just in case you were wondering, Tristan Gary Brian Steven Sadler doesn't exist either. But the video does. Enjoy.)

Okay, the Encumbrance lessons will hafta wait. Seeya on the flip!


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