A Moving Moment
This publication has moved to The TEdASPHERE Globe , a magazine/newspaper style publication which I self-host. All the old posts will remain here for reference. All new posts will appear on The Globe. This will allow you to find all posted articles on one site, simplifying finding of them. TEdALOG Lite II will appear under the category TEdALOG Lite II . PTEC3D Blog will appear under the category PTEC3D . TEdADYNE Systems will appear under the category TEdADYNE Systems . Body Friendly Zen CookBook will appear under the category Zen Cookbook . Grumpy Old Guy will appear under the category Grumpy . TEdAMENU Tuckertime will appear under the category TEdAMENU . The Zorganite Encumber will appear under the category The Zorganite Encumber . In addition, The TEdASPHERE Globe will hold several new sections which will display comics, a range of news related to the core topics, and snippets c...